Adding Another Year


At 32, you realize that its a lie when people say you’ll know better when you get older. At this age, you still don’t know what you want, you still don’t know where you are going and what path to take. You get the feeling that every little thing turns into a decision which can affect your life significantly. However, the good thing is you know what you don’t want. You realize your worth. You have enough confidence to tell other people to go to hell. You acquire patience and tolerance to other people’s eccentricities and quirkiness. You learn your strengths and weaknesses. You have the courage to go after your goals. You welcome change. You commit mistakes but learn to be responsible for the consequences. You learn new things and new lessons. You get opportunities and explore boundless possibilities. You dream. You learn to have faith.

I love the maturity this age brings, the possibilities opening up to me, the confidence to be truly myself and the freedom to choose the person I wanted to be.